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Celebrate NJ Coordinator, Marguerite Chandler, honored.

The New Jersey Historical Commission will honor Chandler for “outstanding contributions to preserving and presenting New Jersey history” in recognition of her work with historical groups including the Celebrate New Jersey initiative. Formal presentation of the award will be at the commission’s 21st annual conference featuring a program celebrating the 85th anniversary of the women’s suffrage ammendment. [click here for details]

New Slogan for New Jersey?

Gov. Codey is calling for suggestions on a new slogan after aborting the launch of one created by Madison Avenue. Read the details here — it’s an opportunity to promote a positive image for our state. [click here]

Report on Celebrate New Jersey 2005.

Read a brief summary of the results achieved in the June 2005 Celebrate New Jersey campaign.

What did people think of the 2005 Campaign?

We did dozens of interviews and got some surprises along with the expected responses. Most thought the effort to be long overdue and much needed.

Celebrate New Jersey month ended June 30th- but the fun continues!

On June 30th our first annual Celebrate New Jersey Month ended. The staff and volunteers are taking a breather and beginning to make lists of things to do for the 2006 celebration. In the weeks and months to come we’ll be making plans and inviting individuals and groups to participate again.

If you visit AboutNewJersey.com and VisitNJ.org you will discover that there are a dazzling number of great things to see and do in New Jersey every week the whole year around, many within a few minutes of home. Get out and enjoy the bounty of our great State! It’s a matter of pride.”